Thursday, October 5, 2017

Favorite Digimon #27 - Gigasmon

oh gimme dem grumblecakes~

One of my few picks from beyond Season 3 (Tamers), Gigasmon stands out in my memory because he was a major thorn in the side of the good guys. Despite being just one of a group of elemental-themed baddies, he seemed to get a disproportional amount of screentime. he wiped the floor with the heroes on several occasions, stole their powers, and generally was the most dangerous enemy they faced for a long time. Even subsequent baddies went down easier than this guy. I hated him in the same way you hate a heel wrestler - I came close to getting legitimately upset that they couldn't beat him, I just wanted someone to shut his stupid face up.

Also, for some reason, I used him as my mental image of what the trolls in the Artemis Fowl series looked like - just add razor-sharp elephant tusks. I'm not sure why I drew this connection, as the trolls are explicitly stated as being hairy, in addition to a number of other differences, but oh well.

I don't think his design is actually that special, it's decent enough, but he makes the list because he's one of the few characters from the show that made a lasting impact on me. I couldn't tell you what the names of any of the other Season 4 (Frontier) villains were.

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