Saturday, October 7, 2017

Favorite Digimon #25 - BanchoLeomon

oh shit is that a JOJO REFERENCE!?!?

No, not really. JJBA didn't invent delinquents. the Bancho has been a staple of Japanese media since the 70's, appearing in a lot of other TV shows, anime, and manga before Jotaro wore a blue school uniform and punched a lot of things in Egypt.

But that's not to say he didn't look awesome doing it. See, adding a Bancho coat-worn-as-a-cape to anything instantly makes it better, as proven by Kongoh Bancho, Kill la Kill, and Pangoro. So take a regular garden variety Leomon, fated to die in every series as some sort of tragic warrior-Christ figure (as if Aslan and Mufasa didn't die for our sins enough!), and get that boy in a Japanese school uniform, rough it up, and let him chew on some grass. You end up with awesome.

For an added bonus, there are other Bancho-version Digimon - BanchoMamemon, BanchoGolemon, BanchoStingmon, and BanchoLilymon. I hope they're all in the new game.

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