Sunday, October 8, 2017

Favorite Digimon #24 - Frigimon

There's a brown version called MudFrigimon, and I think we can all just be glad there's no yellow snow version.

Here's another Digimon who could be a Pokemon in a pinch. Not that they need to look like Pokemon, mind you, it's just unusual to see a Digimon this simple in design. So I appreciate him for that.

He's a snowman bear, he doesn't need to look as busy as the rest of them! I like his gumdrop buttons, and his big punchy mitten hands. Astute readers will notice a trend - I like guys who punch. I make no effort to hide this, Fighting is my favorite type after Bug and Ghost, after all. (and Snimon was far from the last Digi-bug you'll see on this list...)

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