Monday, August 14, 2017

Alolan Raticate

I know they always say you put on weight over a vacation...

Still Dark/Normal, but I'm past being excited by that. What we have here to day is one premium fat boy. I mean, he's got entire cantaloupe in each cheek, or maybe he's chewing on tennis balls. Raticate never had much of a neck, but now he's merged into a single bean-bag-like shape. Even the whiskers got fat, which is something I didn't think hair could do. Looks like someone was messing around with the horizontal scale tool and hue shader.

Some Pokemon look like they were born fat, it's in their species. Alolan Raticate pretty clearly lost control of his life sometime after dropping out of college to work at Radioshack and gained 75 lbs. of cheeto-and-miracle-whip-fueled depression.

Overall: 4/10 -> 2/10

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