Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Alolan Raichu

truly, we are in the Age of Gyaru.

Raichu got this way from eating too many pancakes, which is insane, but I'll buy it. Actually, it looks kinda like a pancake or cinnamon roll or something itself, all fluffy and glazed. I'd eat one, is what I'm saying.

But I'm also saying that those ears are over-simplified, and I just flat don't like the eye color. I think it contrasts poorly with the fur. The whole design reads like they got my memo about "simplifying" Pokemon, and just re-made Raichu with a delicious color scheme and smoother geometry.

The surfing gimmick hearkens back to the old Surfing Pikachu, but bizarrely doesn't learn Surf! Huge oversight. It doesn't need to be Water-type, just learn that one move, it would've been perfect. But no, instead it just psychically floats on its tail. If it's psychic, why does it need to float "on" anything? Shouldn't it just be able to float?

I still wanna butter one up and dip it in syrup and take a big bite, lil' guy looks like a nice golden brown marshmallow, the feet look like cream puffs...

Overall: 9/10 -> 5/10

1 comment:

  1. The blue eyes are actually a reference to the anime
